If you're experiencing issues with the website, we recommend trying these steps:
- Log out and back into your Mercato account.
- Restart your device.
- Trying accessing the website from a different browser or a different device.
- Clearing your browser history.
- Update the browser to the most current version.
If you're experiencing issues with the Mercato iOS or Android app, we recommend trying these steps:
- Close the Mercato app entirely and reopen.
- Restart your device.
- Update the app to the most current version.
- Uninstall the app and reinstall the app.
If you've tried all the troubleshooting steps above and are still experiencing the same issue, contact Customer Support.
We recommend taking a screenshot of any errors or issues you're experiencing so our support team can better assist.
How to Reach Customer Support
- If you'd like to chat with a live agent, visit this link, and click on the chat icon in the lower right-hand corner, we will be happy to help!
- If you'd like to submit a support ticket, follow this link: Submit a request
- Our email is
- Our phone number is (855) 966-2725
Business hours: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST (Mon - Sat)
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